投稿日: 2015/9/16 10:21:11 カテゴリー: CompTIA タグ: SGO-001参考書, SGO-001試験過去問, SGO-001試験トレーニング資料, LX0-103認証試験, LX0-103問題集, SGO-001認定試験
NO.1 University IT provides shared Fibre Channel storage services. All storage subsystems and fibrechannel switches are located in the secure campus datacenter. Each college and department providestheir own systems and staff. Central IT provides fabric, storage and backup administration. Which securitymechanism is most important in this Fibre Channel infrastructure?A. FCPAPB. link encryptionC. switch authenticationD. port authenticationAnswer: DCompTIA SGO-001 SGO-001入門 SGO-001[...]