投稿日: 2015/6/12 9:08:15 カテゴリー: IBM タグ: M2150-753問題集, M2150-753 試験過去問, M2150-753認定試験, M2150-753出題範囲, IBM
NO.1 When looking across the possible financial fraud vectors the easiest most vulnerable target is:A. the applicationsB. the mainframeC. the customersD. the networkAnswer: CIBM組織 M2150-753教本 M2150-753購入NO.2 Which answer highlights Trusteer's unique value?A. Real-time intelligence from 270M+ endpointsB. Minimal impact to the customer experience (reducing unnecessary authentication challenges)C. Reduces operational impact - reduces false positivesD. All of the above are part o[...]