投稿日: 2015/8/24 11:48:53 カテゴリー: Cisco タグ: 640-916過去問, 640-916資格取得, 300-208問題集, 300-208認定試験, 300-208試験トレーニング資料
Introducing Cisco Data Center TechnologiesExam Number640-916 DCICTLast day to test September 30, 2012Associated CertificationsCCNA Data Center CertificationDuration90 minutes (65-75 questions)Available LanguagesEnglishJapaneseRegisterPearson VUEExam PoliciesRead current policies and requirementsExam TutorialReview type of exam questionsThe 640-916 DCICT Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies is one of the exams associated with the CCNA Datacenter Certification. This exam tests a ca[...]