EXIN. Internationally recognized ICT certificates
Why is certification important?
Surgeons, teachers, lawyers and dentists: all professions that require stringent certification programs. Since ICT has become so important to organizations ICT professionals should be included in this list. EXIN strongly believes they belong in there.
The people factor
Traditional ICT is disappearing. Now it's all about Information Management and Business Process Management. A lot more people are involved in ICT than technicians alone. Information Management is no longer the sole responsibility of ICT professionals; people throughout the organization are involved in monitoring and managing information. This demands new knowledge and skills, applicable across many roles.
Why is EXIN the trusted partner in information management?
EXIN offers the most comprehensive portfolio of Information Management exams in the world. EXIN is the market leader in IT Service Management certification since many years and was one of the co-founders of ITIL®.