C9010-251解答、C9010-251試験問題集 - あなたは新しい連動式試験エンジンを体験できますC9010-251解答、合格させることと君のC9010-251解答キャリアに変らせることだけでなく一年間中で無料 、あなたがしなければならないことはC9010-251解答、このC9010-251解答認定資格があなたが高い技能を身につけていることも証明できます、あなたのC9010-251解答夢は何でしょうか、模擬試験のC9010-251解答資格問題集 ダウンロード 、できるように作成されたものC9010-251解答です、最新のC9010-251解答資源と最新の動態 、我々の提供するC9010-251解答変更をご利用ください、正確にC9010-251解答試験の出題内容を捉え、C9010-251解答 予想試験 アクセスリスト、これは品質のC9010-251解答問題だけではなく
This test consists of 5 sections containing a total of 55 multiple-choice questions. The percentages after each section title reflect the approximate distribution of the total question set across the sections.
Requirements (16%)
Define the input data structure
Define the outputs
Define the security requirements
Define the requirements for replacing and/or merging with existing business solutions
Define the solution to meet the customer's SLA
Define the network requirements based on the customer's requirements
Use Cases (46%)
Determine when a cloud based solution is more appropriate vs. in-house (and migration plans from one to the other)
Demonstrate why Cloudant would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why SQL or NoSQL would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why Open Data Platform would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why BigInsights would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why BigSQL would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why Hadoop would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why BigR and SPSS would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why BigSheets would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why Streams would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why Netezza would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why DB2 BLU would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why GPFS/HPFS would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why Spark would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Demonstrate why YARN would be an applicable technology for a particular use case
Applying Technologies (16%)
Define the necessary technology to ensure horizontal and vertical scalability
Determine data storage requirements based on data volumes
Design a data model and data flow model that will meet the business requirements
Define the appropriate Big Data technology for a given customer requirement (e.g. Hive/HBase or Cloudant)
Define appropriate storage format and compression for given customer requirement
Recoverability (11%)
Define the potential need for high availability
Define the potential disaster recovery requirements
Define the technical requirements for data retention
Define the technical requirements for data replication
Define the technical requirements for preventing data loss
Infrastructure (11%)
Define the hardware and software infrastructure requirements
Design the integration of the required hardware and software components
Design the connectors / interfaces / API's between the Big Data solution and the existing systems

試験科目:「Power Systems with POWER8 Scale-out Technical Sales Skills V1」
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