


By blog Admin | 投稿日: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 09:16:44 GMT

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試験科目:「Fortinet Troubleshooting Professional」

>> NSE7予想試験

試験科目:「Fortinet Network Security Expert 4 Written Exam (400)」

>> NSE4試験解答




NSE 4 - FortiGate Network Security Professional

About the NSE 4 Exam
Name: NSE 4 - Fortinet Network Security Professional
Language: English only
Available at: Pearson Vue Test Centers worldwide
Cost: $400
Number of items: 60
Time allowed to complete: 120 minutes total test time
Passing Score: 70%
Scoring Method: Item must be 100% correct for credit, no partial credit. No deduction for incorrect answers.
Type of questions: Multiple Choice, Multiple Select
Time required between attempts: 15 days
Time for acknowledgement/score to be reflected in FLC transcripts: 21 days
How to Enroll in NSE 4
To enroll in the NSE 4 courses you must have an account on the Fortinet Learning Center (FLC). If you are a partner, you must enter through the partner portal. If you are an employee, login through your myfortinet.com site.

NSE 4 Description
The FortiGate NSE 4 - Security Professional designation recognizes a candidate’s ability to configure, install and monitor the FortiGate Unified Threat Management products in a customer’s network.

NSE 4 Program Requirements
Passing the NSE 4 exam at a Pearson Vue test center
FortiGate I and FortiGate II training is highly recommended to prepare you for the NSE 4 exam.
*FCNSA and FCNSP exams will remain available at Pearson Vue test centers worldwide until June 30, when the FCNSA and FCNSP will retire.
NSE 4 replaces earlier FCNSA+FCNSP certification. FCNSP certificates will qualify as NSE 4 for a limited time. FCNSP v4 certificates will be honored as NSE 4 through December 31, 2015. FCNSP v5 certificates will be honored a NSE 4 through December 31, 2016. If you hold an FCNSP certificate, you should renew your NSE 4 standing by taking the NSE 4 exam before your FCNSP certificate is expired.
Who Should Attempt the NSE 4
Post-sales and support personnel who want acknowledgement that they are a FortiGate Network Security Professional.

The NSE 4 certification is valid for 2 years. You can re-certify by taking the current NSE 4 exam at a Pearson Vue center.

Partners: https://partners.fortinet.com/FortiPartnerPortal/
Employees: https://www.myfortinet.com/

Partners and employees must access the FLC via the portals above to receive credit towards your standing with Fortinet.

If you are a customer, you can create an account using your company email address.

Public: https://gm1.geolearning.com/geonext/fortinet/login.geo

Related Links: http://shiken.vinhelp.com/nse7%e8%a9%a6%e9%a8%93%e6%ba%96%e5%82%99-nse7%e5%90%88%e6%a0%bc%e7%8e%87/
投稿日: 2016/10/18 9:16:44  |  カテゴリー: Fortinet  |  タグ: NSE7復習問題集NSE4Fortinet
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